Second post for the day again`
I'm super emo and super sian and super sad`
Emo because of what?
I don't know!
Sian because of what?
Downloaded Gunz, just because Kok Boon asked me to play with him`
But the fucking thing is, I don't know how to play!
And it's fucking boring de lor!
Sad because of what?
Birthday coming nearer and nearer le`
Bandmates want me to celebrate`
But I have no mood?
People wanting me to go band`
But I find that band don't needs me, seriously`
If I fail GCE 'N' Level`
Where will I go to?
ITE, then got new batch of friends?
New kind of life?
New kind of behaviour I'm behaving?
If I pass GCE 'N' Level`
What I'm gonna do?
Study hard for GCE 'O' Level?
Continue see people's face?
Continue let people bully?
Continue let younger people disrespect?
I have no life, seriously`
I feel so useless`
Lose to so many things in life`
In games - AuditionSEA, I so noob, Gunz, I can't make it`
In academics - Always fail exams`
In band - Playing, far behind juniors`
I'm totally a loser!
LOSE is the only word that can describe me`
And my Personal Qualities that Madam Ernie wrote for me`
That are going to be printed in the GCE 'N' Level result certificate`
It's all describing me wrongly`
I'm not a responsible person`
I'm not kind`
I'm not helpful`
Positive comments are not for me`
Only negative comments right`
I'm a coward`
I'm a loser`
I'm a failure`
I'm useless bastard`
I'm just nothing!
Agree with me right`
Feel like dying`
Anyway my BFA doesn't care about me`
Anyway Christopher so cold to me`
Anyway I'm just nothing to them`
Nothing but a loser.