Today went to Changi Airport with Xin Yi and Si Ying to study.
Xue Yen last minute cannot come, don't know why.
Then we went to Terminal 3 kopitiam or foodcourt to eat.
Studied after eating till 6PM.
Actually 4PM I want to leave le, go back school band look for juniors de.
But Si Ying and Xin Yi don't allow.
Then never mind loh.
Tommorrow then look for them.
Then wanna eat ice cream at Mac de, but machine broke down. -.-
Went back foodcourt coz Xin Yi wanna eat dinner.
So wait for her loh.
At that time I'm dead tired, so slept awhile.
After that train-ed home le.
I'm willing to sacrifise and do anything for you, my sworn brother & best friend.